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You Mean, I Must Pay You? (To Tell Me if You Can Reinstate My eBay Account?)

This post is by Tuvyah Schleifer, the founder and CMO of CRSeller. CRSeller is a marketplace services provider offering the most exclusive suite of solutions.

For eBay, CRSeller offers suspension reinstatements, selling limit increases, and account status audits. As well, eBay marketing tools including Daily Deals invitation support.

For Amazon, CRSeller specializes in tactical approvals and invitations for vendors and sellers. As well, brand-boosting strategic activity including ASIN optimization, marketing and PPC management.

Short answer - well, yes.


Medium-sized answer: Because it takes something to not lie to you.

eBay Suspension. Hope for Reinstatement

Photo Credit: Stephen Leonardi


We could give you some cockamamie fake statistics about our 'success rate.'

Yet, wouldn't you rather an answer that has something to do with the actual situation of your account?

Don't you prefer the straight truth in the matter?

Well if so, this is called an 'assessment' and it costs money.

(Our assessments cost $300, on sale for $195 for accounts that are not suspended. In our active-account assessments we can help sellers understand more about the quality of their relationship with eBay.)

But we thought hey....

Let's discount the assessment to $150 for suspended accounts! It's only fair. We know you are not in a great situation. We're not interested in taking advantage of you. We want to help.

We look at it like this:

The sooner you know your chances of getting reinstated, the sooner you can try harder. Then, you can use our reinstatement service. Or give up, or try some other pathway that we might not recommend.

But you know what, it's still not so simple...

So before we continue, let's go back a few steps.

You are an eBay seller and you got suspended. You have a few options. These include finding a:

  • 'Friends' eBay account for sale.

  • 'Stealth' or 'ghost' eBay account for sale.

Or in some way learning how to:

  • Open a new eBay account

  • Get around the suspension somehow.

  • Change your business/ business name, etc in a way that somehow allows you to circumvent the situation and somehow be a new entity on eBay as far as they are concerned.

(Your typical suspended seller is going to do a lot of research to get to the bottom of all that stuff listed above.)

You're going to 'figure it out.'

You are going to 'crack the code.' You're going to just do what you need to do to get back selling again ASAP.

Or, you'll conclude that eBay isn't for you and more and you'll walk.


Well, CRSeller offers another choice...

So, let's be clear about this:

We offer a service to help you get your suspended account reinstated.

Now let's get into the 'nitty gritty.'

If we are able to help you get reinstated, our fee is $3k.

This service requires payment upfront. (Yes, we've been stiffed before.)

If we fail to produce a reinstatement, (if eBay fails to reinstate your account,) $2,700 is refunded to you.

Think of it like this:

There is a non-refundable fee of $300 for attempting the reinstatement. (The cost of the assessment goes toward the non-refundable part. So, if we assess your account first, and then order our reinstatement service and we fail to help, your refund is $2,850.)

However, we don't even want to try to reinstate the account unless you really want to. For three reasons:

First, we assume that you're in a better position to determine if you really want to try. We have no interest in selling you on 'what you need.'

We are repulsed by fear-based selling. And we have no interest in preying on the often sorted-emotions related to suspensions.

Second, it's not worth it for us to do all the work necessary to attempt a reinstatement just to get that non-refundable $300 or $150.

What kind of work? In some cases, we can be on the phone with sellers for up to 90 minutes or more. And that is after a comprehensive questionnaire. (Which alone, can take sellers about the same time to complete.) Then, often we have to take about another 90 minutes writing up the '*Plan of Action.'

(*We do not actually write a plan of action, however we use this expression since it is common parlance related to the work required to produce an Amazon reinstatement.

Our plan of action is more of a clear 'pitch deck' and type of 'audit' that we will submit to eBay for their consideration.)

Then, many times, we have to do a lot of follow up with eBay as well, as our service is not 'black-hat.' No, we are not hacking eBay in any manner. We are not bribing 'people on the inside.' No way! Rather, we work in a clean manner, only working with eBay, upon your permission to help you reinstate your account.

Third, (the third reason we don't 'sell you' on reinstating) is that the market will not accept paying $300 for no result. This is a no-brainer. We never want to hear "I paid CRSeller $300, and they did nothing for me but waste my time."

The fact remains, that it is eBay that makes the determination. It's not because we are lawyers. It's not because we are fancy writers. It's not because we 'figured out' the system... We work with eBay and it's that simple.

If there is one thing we do - it's get through to the eBay decision-makers. This is our 'secret sauce.'

Avoid eBay Mistakes - Sell More on eBay

As a result of the above three 'darn-good' reasons, we are not inclined to work on an appeal unless the chances are high to be reinstated.

And $150 is the least we can charge to help us both determine together if its worth it to even try.

It really perfect...

Look how perfect it is. Unless these is a good chance to get reinstated:

  • You don't want to pay $3,000, not even $300.

  • And, we don't want to do the work.

  • $150 is worth it for you and us to look at your case and give a preliminary determination.

Let's face it, upon reinstatement, you are happy to pay $3k.

You wish eBay would offer you a chance to pay $3k and get 100% assurance of being reinstated. You would do it without thinking.

For us, $3k is a decent fee. It's fair. **$9k is also decent. It's also fair. By the way in case you disagree, we also offer grants for low income/ ultra-small sellers.

(**Note: At the time of writing this, the price is $9k on sale for $3k. You would also pay eBay $9k.)

Now, after the above lengthy introduction, let's get to the heart of the matter...

How do we determine your chance of success?

In every instance, there are 5 main components to an assessment.

They are not weighted equally. They are:

  1. Why you say you were suspended.

  2. Why eBay says you were suspended.

  3. The likelihood of bridging all gaps between 1 & 2.

  4. The likelihood of the above ever happening again.

  5. CRSeller secret component, sorry no banana.

The assessment will come back with a general idea of whether the reinstatement could have success, and in some cases along with notes. Check out some examples:

Example 1: You have a 90% chance of success pending your ability to resolve X.

Example 2: You have a 50% chance of success that could be higher, pending your ability to show Y.

Example 3: You have a 10% change of success, as XYZ was one of the most irrecoverable offenses.

Example 4: We don't think you have a chance.

Example 5: This is beyond our ability to help. eBay has given you too many chances already.

Example 6: All issues on all accounts would need to be resolved including the $X past due balance. Yet even after all that, we don’t see it happening.

The main thing to note is that it is alway a case-by-case basis.

There are many reasons eBay takes action in the form of restrictions and suspensions.


Let's begin to wrap things up...

Our preliminary $150 service known as an 'assessment' can help you make the determination for yourself if you wish to attempt a reinstatement

We are not in to "selling you" on reinstatements here at CRSeller. It's a service we provide. If you want it, the first step is (and should be) the assessment.

If you want to attempt to reinstate your account, you should hire us.

If the assessment comes back negative, you should probably not hire us.

Yet from another perspective, if you can afford to blow $300 on the chance, you could still go for it. It's really up to you.

To be clear, the assessments come with no guarantee for accuracy.

We are sorry to say, but it is true - a reinstatement can fail on great assessment, or succeed on a poor one.

In general however, the higher the positivity of the assessment, the higher the chance for reinstatement.

Bottom Line:

We would like to actually help you get your account back. It's an enormous satisfaction for us to do this.

Recap: Order the assessment for $150. Then, $3k to try if you like the odds, or can in any case afford the risk of $300.

$2,700 is refunded if not successful. $2,850 is refunded if you did the assessment first.

It's that simple.

Think of our reinstatement as a non-guaranteed, $3k payable upfront reinstatement support service for a non-refundable $300.


In general, we think it's unnecessary to spend $3k, when for $150 you can find out that you might very low odds to begin with.

If you are ready to get assessed click here to begin your eBay suspension appeal process.

Most of all, best of luck being reinstated, and staying unsuspended.

For more information, check out our article "eBay Account Suspended? Why It Happens and What You Should Do" found on the

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